About randown

randown is a web application that allows users to download a random file from any public GitHub repository. Simply enter the GitHub username and repository name, and the application will fetch a random file for you to download.


How to Use

  1. Enter the GitHub username and repository name in the form fields.
  2. Click the "Download Random File" button.
  3. If both fields are provided via URL parameters, the form will auto-submit.

URL Parameters

You can pre-fill the form fields using URL parameters. For example:


If only one parameter is provided, the form will wait for the user to fill in the other field and submit manually.

If u want to put a badge in your readme.md file, use this code: [![randown](https://aqclf.xyz/randown/randown.svg)](https://aqclf.xyz/randown?username=aquaticcalf&reponame=random-excuse-generate-please) it look like this when rendered: randown back to home